J-TEXT 学术报告第38期

报告人1 陈忠勇HUST

1 Effect of magnetic islands on runaway generation on J-TEXT


The effect of m/n=2/1 RMP on runaway production during disruptions has been investigated on J-TEXT. There are three regimes with different runaway mitigation effects. It is found that the moderate RMP without penetration has the benefit on partial runaway suppression. The strong RMP which could cause penetration in post TQ phase lead to enhancement of runaway production instead of suppression. The field penetration of RMP before TQ has the benefit on complete runaway avoidance.

报告人2 李复名HUST

2 Local magnetic measurements at plasma edge on J-TEXT tokamak


The fast reciprocating magnetic probes (FRMP) system is newly developed on J-TEXT tokamak to measure the local magnetic fluctuations in the plasma directly.
The magnetic probes array consists of four 2D magnetic probes arranged at different radial location to detect local poloidal and radial magnetic field close to the edge of the plasma. A calibration method was put forward to determine the lumped-circuit parameters and effective areas of each probe. These probes are protected by graphite tile and boron nitride tile aimed at improving the frequency response of each probe, and they are mounted on the head of a movable rod which is along radial direction at the top of the torus. The sampling frequency of the data acquisition system is up to 2 MHz/s in order to detect high frequency magnetic fluctuations simultaneously. The typical speed of the pneumatic drive part is about 1m/s. In the experiments, the application of FRMP shows little influence to the plasma. The local magnetic fluctuations inside the last close flux surface and the radial profile of magnetic field were measured by the FRMP successfully.

The magnetic probes rectangle array (MPRA) system is established on J-TEXT tokamak to measure the local poloidal and radial magnetic fields inside the vacuum vessel wall. This array is composed of 26 2D magnetic inductive probes mounted at the same toroidal location, and is protected by graphite tiles. The effective area of each probe is calibrated by Helmholtz coils. In the experiments, the local magnetic fields at different location were measured by the array successfully. The experimental results were compared with the calculated results based on the Spool model when the poloidal field coil was applied only. Furthermore, the measured results were used as the input of EFIT code to reconstruct the plasma equilibrium as a solution to the Grad-Shafranov equation. The calculated Faraday angle based on the EFIT results were compared with the Faraday angle measured by the three-wave polarimeter-interferometer system (Polaris) after taking the density profile measured simultaneously.



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